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Academic Support: Advice from Past Tutors

Advice from Past Tutors

Aaron Tavasi

Matched: Brown- Pediatrics

Advice: “Every stage of medical education has positives and negatives. Try to focus on the positives to the best you can. It's hard, but it makes a difference!”





Daniel Erickson

Matched: Brown- Baylor College of Medicine- Internal Medicine

Advice: “Figure out a routine and stick to it! Don't be afraid to switch from topic to topic as you study, it will help keep things fresh and prevent you from getting stuck in a rut on difficult topics!”





Lauren Valentine

Matched: Yale University- Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Advice: “Always be open to learning from everyone around you. There is no hierarchy of knowledge - ask questions to your professors, peers, residents, nurses, techs, and beyond. Everybody has a unique outlook that they can contribute, and that you can learn from.”





Benjamin O'Brien

Matched: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital- Diagnostic Radiology

Advice: “Build a sustainable routine that includes time for studying, participating in extracurriculars you enjoy, and spending time with friends and family.”






Ali Makhdoom

Matched: Temple University- Internal Medicine

Advice: “Try to take a deep dive into material from the beginning of M1 year and connect different topics as you go. Eventually it'll all come together as you wrap-up rotations. Uworld and the Amboss library articles are your best friends for shelf exams/Step 2. Make sure you also maintain balance and do things outside of school that you enjoy.”




Justin Slovin

Matched: Georgetown- Emergency Medicine

Advice: “Obviously working hard is important, but make sure to take time for yourself.”






Kate Zendell

Matched: NYP-Weill Cornell- Pediatrics

Advice: “My advice to current HMSOM students is to work hard but also remember to find time for rest and balance! It's important to remember to still live your life and make sure you give yourself time to do what you love outside of medicine. You have made it so far and you can do this!”




Alana Barosfsky

Matched: St. Peter's University Hospital

Advice: “You can do anything that you set your mind to. Keep believing in yourself, keep listening to your own intuition, and try not to let any not-so-positive opinions sink in too deep. You are here for a reason, you got this! Remember to also schedule in breaks and take care of yourself too :)”





Sreya Das

Matched: Montefiore- Pediatrics

Advice: “Ask questions and don't be afraid of not having the right answers - it's part of the learning process. Remember to take breaks to recharge and refresh whenever you can!”