To use Zotero properly, you need to install the Zotero Connector for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari, in addition to the Zotero desktop app. See the Zotero Downloads page to install the Zotero Connector.
Using the Zotero connector extension makes it easier to pull in records into your Zotero with a single click. This extension allows you not only to pull in the bibliographic data of a resource (article, web page book, book chapter, etc.) but if the library has the full text of an article you will have the PDF attached as well. The Zotero extension icon does change depending on the resource that you are viewing. Below are examples of what it will look like when on a particular resource type.
* You must have the desktop application open in order to transfer data into your Zotero. An error message will appear if the application is not open upon clicking the extension icon *
Journal Article
If you are reading a journal article online the save button will change to the icon of a journal article
If you are reading an eBook the save button will change to a book icon or an open book if you are in a chapter.
Once you've clicked on the Zotero icon, a new reference will be added to your library. When the reference is recognized by Zotero, it should add the full citation information for the article to your library, but it's a good idea to double-check the reference to make sure it was properly imported. This way, you do not discover faulty citations when it comes time for you to cite documents.
On many sites, Zotero will also save any PDF accessible from the page or an open-access PDF that can be found for the saved item.